🎁WHO DAT BarberShop Inc is Proud to Present our Annual Christmas Toy GiveAway From December 21st to 24th!
🎁These Toys Are For School Age Children Ages 5 to 12.
🎁Parents must go to our the events page on our website to register the child to receive one ticket per toy. A parent can receive multiple tickets for multiple children.
🎁This Event is available on a first come first serve basis..
🎁We announced this event last week on our weekly newsletter! So Click The Link To subscribe to our newsletter to learn about WDBS Events before its posted on social media!
🎁This Event is brought to you by The Owner of WHO DAT BarberShop Inc Kischia Smith and Our Barbers Devin! Ro! And Kim!
🎁 You can donate Toys to this Event by dropping off toys to our location 5741 Crowder Blvd!